LeetCode Offer 59 II. Max Queue


链接:: 剑指 Offer 59 - II. 队列的最大值 - 力扣(LeetCode)

实现一个队列,支持 max_valuepush_backpop_front,且均摊时间复杂度都是 \(O(1)\)

Implement a queue with max_value, push_back and pop_front, and the amortised complexity are all \(O(1)\).

入队和出队都是 \(O(1)\) 没问题,但是最大值如何实现 \(O(1)\) 呢?可以用一个辅助队列,且一个元素只会被操作常数次。如:

Enqueue (push) and dequeue (pop) are both easily \(O(1)\), but how to achieve \(O(1)\)? We can use an auxiliary queue, and make sure each element will only be operated constant times. For example:

      q        max_q  max
5     5        5      5     + 5
2     5,2      5,2    5     2 < 5, + 2
pop   2        2      2     5 = 5, - 5
1     2,1      2,1    2     1 < 5, + 1
7     2,1,7    7      7     while max_q[-1] < n: max_q.pop(); max_q.append(n)
                            从小到大把元素 pop 出
pop   1,7      7      7     max_q 左边元素老,pop 的一定最老,若还在 max_q 中就在最左边
                            if max_q[0] == q.popleft(): max_q.popleft()
3     1,7,3    7,3    7
9     1,7,3,9  9      9
from collections import deque

class MaxQueue:
  def __init__(self):
    self.q = deque()
    self.max_q = deque()

  def max_value(self) -> int:
    return self.max_q[0] if self.max_q else -1

  def push_back(self, value: int) -> None:
    while self.max_q and self.max_q[-1] < value:  # push 的时候一定是从小到大 pop 出后面的元素!
      self.max_q.pop()                            # must use < not <= otherwise pop_front() is broken

  def pop_front(self) -> int:
    if not self.q:
      return -1
    value = self.q.popleft()
    if self.max_q[0] == value:
    return value

Last update : May 28, 2023
Created : May 28, 2023