LeetCode Offer 38. Combinations of String


链接:剑指 Offer 38. 字符串的排列 - 力扣(LeetCode)

做法:排列Lexicographic Order


def permutation(xs):
  if not xs:
    return []
  return permutation_core(xs, 0)

def permutation_core(xs,  i):
  if i == len(xs) - 1:
    return [xs]
  ans = []
  for j in range(i, len(xs)):
    ys = xs[:]
    ys[i], ys[j] = ys[j], ys[i]
    ans += permutation_core(ys, i + 1)
  return ans

另一种是每次把改元素剔出,代码更简洁,但是不知道为什么更慢。我本来以为是字符串比 list 慢,但是改成 list 之后更慢。

class Solution:
  def permutation(self, s: str) -> List[str]:
    def dfs(s):
      if not s:
        return ['']
      ans = []
      for i, x in enumerate(s):
        # 把第 i 个(x)踢出,最后再放到头
          for combination in dfs(s[:i] + s[i + 1:]):
            ans.append(x + combination)
      return ans
    return list(set((dfs(s))))

剑指官方题解提供了一种保证没有重复元素的思路,即先将数组排序。比如如有两个\(a\)\(a_1a_2\),则保证一定先选择 \(a_1\),防止 \(a_2a_1\) 的情况出现。这个也是回溯法。

class Solution:
  def permutation(self, s: str) -> List[str]:
    s = sorted(s)
    visited = [False] * len(s)
    locked = ''
    ans = []

    def backtrack(i):
      nonlocal locked
      if i == len(s):
      for j in range(len(s)):
        # not visited and also the first in the group of the same character
        if not visited[j] and (j == 0 or s[j] != s[j - 1] or visited[j - 1]):
          locked += s[j]
          visited[j] = True
          backtrack(i + 1)  # here is i + 1, not j + 1
          locked = locked[:-1]
          visited[j] = False

    return ans

力扣官方还有一个按照字典序的方法,每次生成下一个Lexicographic Order,即从后往前找比后面挨着的元素小的元素,与从后往前第一个比它大的元素交换(比如 cbiga 中 b 是第一个比后面挨着的小的字符,我们从后往前找第一个比它大的,即 g 与之交换,得到 cgiba,这确实是下一个字典序。我把它与剑指 Offer 的方法结合了一下:

class Solution:
  def permutation(self, s: str) -> List[str]:
    # 把首字母与后面所有的字母进行对调
    # 一个优化是结合字典序的方法,先排序,每次调用的时候保证要比上一个更大的
    # 从而避免重复
    def lock(s):
      if not s:
        return ['']
      ans = []
      h = s[0]  # last choosen head char
      for i, c in enumerate(s):
        # put each char in unlocked string s to the head
        # and generate combinations
        # but the char must be "larger" than the last choosen char
        # or we will have duplicates
        # for example, we can get ['aa', 'aa'] if c == h
        # and ['abc', 'abc'] if c < h and c > h are both allowed
        # allow i == 0 because we don't have last choosen char
        # we use c > h here because we have sorted(s)
        # if we have sorted(s, reverse=True) then we can have c < h
        if i == 0 or c > h:
          ans += [c + t for t in lock(s[:i] + s[i+1:])]
          h = c  # update h here because now the last choosen head char is c
      return ans

    return lock(sorted(s))

Last update : May 23, 2023
Created : May 23, 2023